
Big Black Nothing (+Jackleg lyrics)

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Перший альбом лежав у мене близько року, мені тоді лише пісня Christ сподобалася, слова не дуже розібрав, виконавця не роздивлявся. Але от нещодавно прислухався до Jackleg. Нервові, але з претензією на адекватність слова (починаючи з Bad news, people!). Хоча я ще далеко не все розібрав, а у мережі не знайдеш.

Ось спробував нарешті записати ці слова (навмисно автору поки не писав, таке собі challenge accepted).
А, мало не забув! Як і неперевершений Ben Sharp aka Cloudkicker, він, здається, теж сам усе робить. І зараз готує до виходу другий альбом, вже є два демо.
Cлова Jackleg:

It's 4:38 am. I can't sleep again.
Sleep is a peculiar thing.
It's the only thing you've done almost every day of your natural-born life without ever reading or knowing how to do it.
I can no longer remember how. ... me.

I've got things rotoscoped from my existence: colors and pastel and outlines and sketch.
... this morning i saw two people in my bathroom ... Before my eye ... lit light ... shadows
erosed the scene completely.

I feel like I've gone to .. more insanity.
And yet something .. awaken moral .. keeps me going.
Something I have come to so long.
I can't even feel it.

hhahahahahahaha ha ha  ha   ha   ha     ha      ha       ha       ha     ha..
hhahahaha ha ha  ha    ha     ha      ha       ha      ha  ha   ha    ha...
eeeeeehhhhaha ha ha ha ha ha ha  ha RRAAH!!

It's 8:47 am. And i'm hungry as hell.
And i'd grab the nearest living thing and end it's existence.

Rage is hunger's favorite child because. itself .. best expresses the faults of others.
I … world … hunger in more ways then I wonder.
so much easier, so much better that way.
And fuck the meaning of words.
Fuck the meaning of this,
Fuck it all.
Fuck it all straight to hell.
I'm tired and I'm hungry and dysphoric and sick
and you can all fuck yourselves!

Bad news, people!
Watching Fight Club does not make you a philosopher,
Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Reading Kafka does not make you a literarian.
Going to college does not make you a scholar.

Owning a skateboard does not make you an athlete,
Owning a jersey does not mean you are on the team.
Having a full life to spot does not mean you have friends.
Knowing a large volume effects does not mean you are intelligent.

Getting laid does not mean you have life experience.
You are not a popular person for wearing designer clothes.
You are not an important creative individual for refusing to do so!
You are not a charity case because you have suffered.
You are not stable of healthy because you have not.

Listening to Mozart and light chemicaldoes not mean you are cultured.
Watching Quentin Tarantino and … does not mean you are cultured.
Painting a picture instead of playing the video game does not mean you are cultured.
Reading the book before you see the movie does not mean you are cultured!

Going to church does not make you religious.
Not going to church does not make you spiritual.
Having an opinion does not mean you cannot be wrong,
being right does not mean anyone cares!

Reciting that TV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.
. does not mean you have a sense of humor.
Poor artists does not automatically better than successful ones.
Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.

Memetics is not the study of jokes on the Internet.
No one is impressed that you watch anime in subtitled japanese.
No one is impressed that you don't watch anime.
No one is impressed that you have a date tonight.

No one is impressed that you have a car.
No one is impressed that you have a job.
No one is impressed that you pay your bills by yourself.
No one is impressed that you are older and no one thinks you're wiser.

Douche words doesn't make you a badass.
Stealing doesn't make you a badass.
Speaking out against the authority doesn't make you a badass.
"Fighting the system" doesn't make you a badass!

Voting democrat does not mean you are full of thinking.
Voting republican does not mean you are principle despite your fears.

You aren't clever because your t-shirt is.
You aren't clever because you know more about the scene.
You aren't clever because you crack wise about politicians and talking heads.

Using Mac doesn't make you creative,
Using Linux doesn't make you productive,
Using Firefox doesn't make you computer savvy.

Arguing about video games is not important.
Arguing about politics is not more important than arguing about video games.

Making your computer, your car, your stereo or anything else you own bigger, faster or better does not make your dick larger. Your dick isn't as large as you think it is.
You are not a better person for being tolerate and compassionate.
You are not ... for saying “nigger” or … out of laugh when you see a gruesome image.
Your suggestion is …. and it will be ignored and totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
The grand scheme of things is totally irrelevant.
Fuck me. You should disregard the things I'm telling you.
You should throw this album out!
I just thought you ought to know.
На черзі Label.

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